Exciting Services

9AM & 11AM Every Sunday

Welcome to TCAL Kids!

At TCAL, we partner with you for the spiritual growth of your child. Our kid’s ministry is designed to cultivate a love for Jesus and a vibrant relationship with his word and his church. We plan a full hour for your child that includes centers, Bible stories, songs, crafts, games, and best of all, small group time for prayer and discussion. ​ Regardless of their age, we live out the words of Jesus when he said, “Suffer the children to come to me.”

Toddlers– Pre-K children will meet in a circle each week in their classrooms and learn about God in meaningful and developmentally appropriate ways through hands-on activities.

Ages 2 and older will participate in “Large Group” for their Bible story and worship.

Elementary aged children will…

In a world filled with distractions, TCAL Kid’s is a safe space filled with opportunities for each child to live out their faith in Jesus and make friends!

What We Teach

Our curriculum is designed to paint a healthy picture of who God is, how much he loves each child and How important it is to have a relationship with Jesus! Our 3 core values can be summed up in the 3 statements below.

Age Groups

Babies & Preschool

Our Babies and Preschool environment is created especially for your infant through preschool-aged children. We know things are busy at this stage of life and your children are learning and growing in amazing ways. We believe in order for your child to learn to build meaningful relationships, they need consistent leaders every week. This is why we encourage all of our leaders to serve weekly for your child and for each child to come to the same service each week. We are ready for them and cannot wait to meet them!
We believe in an active, hands-on approach to learning with preschool children. So, you can plan on a lot of jumping, singing, dancing, and laughter in every experience. Be on the lookout for fun crafts and big games. We look forward to helping your preschoolers learn more about God.
By the time your child goes to school, it is our hope and mission that your child will learn:
God MADE me.
God LOVES me.
Jesus wants to be my FRIEND forever.


In TCAL Kids, we believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud, and good leaders always care. Before kids head off to middle school, we want to make sure these three things stick:
1. I need to make the wise choice.
2. I can trust God no matter what.
3. I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
The focus in TCAL Kids is our small group environment. We want kids to see how God’s Word fits in to their lives, to learn how to talk to him, and to build friendships that will last. That’s why it’s important to make sure your child connects with the same friends and same leader at the same hour—EVERY SUNDAY!



Parental Influence
Sexual Integrity

Elementary School

Sexual Integrity
Parental Influence

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